Hoy discutimos un instrumento músical. Me gusta el YM2612 mucho, mas el MS-10 me interesta.
The audio is created with Google Text-to-Speech in Android for free using the spanish (Spain) voice. The script was written by various authors around the world and given to Wikipedia, where I got it on November 24, 2024.
Will we start a series on music? Por que no? It's been a very long time since my last episode. Hopefully I'll have time to make another episode soon. No promises. Projects are not meant to be forced.
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First off the tl;dr for those in a hurry.
My SPS source code has been available since July 2022. It's not the only implementation.
So the short explanation is that the design of pickTetriminoSeed
, the function that is the basis for the whole of TetrisGYM SPS (v4 and v5 seeds) has a weakness that Tetris original rom does not. The attached seeds are a list of seeds that fall into the same sequence before piece 100. This is caused by @invalidIndex
. There are 276 seeds. Because of how the LFSR in generateNextPseudorandomNumber
works, it's not just 276 seeds that do that, it's ~2x that. This is true of just about everything I've checked so instead of 4 million unique seeds, we have about 20k-80k sequences that a player can expect to get (research not complete). And because of how it locks, it continues indefinitely. This is probably beyond the capacity of a person to memorize, but we could see players memorize a small fraction of favorable and unfavorable sequences for a benefit in competition. Let's start the work of writing an improved SPS shall we?
Hoy discutimos un mecanismo muy interesante.
The audio is created with Google Text-to-Speech in Android for free using the spanish (Spain) voice. The script was written by various authors around the world and given to Wikipedia, where I got it on June 30, 2024.
Toma fotos!
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