TetrisGYM SPSv3

July 28, 2022

TetrisGYM by Kirjava Cart Made by EricICX With RetroN 1 FC and original NES controller

TetrisGYM SPS 0.2.1 [sig]
TetrisGYM SPS 0.2 [sig]
TetrisGYM SPS 0.1 [sig]

TetrisGYM is a wildly popular mod of Tetris for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It has recently been made into a cartridge by one of the highest scoring players, EricICX. Released in 1989, Tetris has come a long way as a result of high score competition, a fanatical community, and quirks that make it an incredibly difficult game to master. If it was just difficult to master, it might have earned a community. But its quirks have earned a mod that turns the game into a learning experience. The current list of features for TetrisGYM:

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Tetris Analysis ft. Tetrisfish

July 10, 2022


I’m playing a lot of NES Tetris recently and I won my first match. What happened? Well, I played well and my strategy turned out to work in this case. I learned about Tetrisfish, which uses the tetris engine StackRabbit to analyze games from video and I ran it on the first game. Since it was fairly slow and didn’t give me anything but tips on how to improve my stacking (thanks by the way), I wrote a simple modification to make it possible to avoid those analysis calls. Instead with my version, I can just output a file that showed what happened during the game: piece sequence, drought for each piece, and tetris rate. Tetris rate ignores pushdown points so the value is not accurate to the actual score, but is good enough since most games are won on scoring points with lines not pushdown.

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Pop Hits for Piano


I made a new playlist from a songbook I bought on vacation. So far I've digitized most of Skinny Love. I will post a cover when I get the bugs fixed and a good piano instrument. I plan to learn at least 10 of these. Since I'll be making a lot of midis I will post them as I create them.

This playlist is really sad. You might find yourself wondering what in the world this happened to the person who created this list. Well, it wasn't me. I didn't create this list and I don't know who did.

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4th Copper Tape Circuit

Dec 3, 2020

4th Copper Tape Circuit Video

Fourth try is a charm. For a while now I’ve been trying to learn how to make cheap and quick copper tape circuits as described briefly in Bunnie’s 2018 Toorcamp Keynote talk where he discusses the elements for electronics development that has so far provided him with much success. Toorcamp in 2018 happened to provide me with the copper tape used in this circuit, so I thought I’d give a shout out to my Neg9 crew and those who shared the weekend with me.

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