This is the eighth podcast. Hoy discutimos física. Me gusta mucho física.
The audio is created with Google Text-to-Speech in Android for free using the spanish (Spain) voice. The script was written by various authors around the world and given to Wikipedia, where I got it on April 6th, 2024.
Read more »This is the seventh podcast. Hoy discutimos una presidenta.
The audio is created with Google Text-to-Speech in Android for free using the spanish (Spain) voice. The script was written by various authors around the world and given to Wikipedia, where I got it on April 6th, 2024.
This is an example of the sort of thing that makes the front page of Spanish Wikipedia, but not English Wikipedia. What is really interesting to me is the video included in the wikipedia page. On top of that we notice that they link to a podcast. I love to link spanish podcasts, so here is the link to La Encerrona!
Read more »This is the sixth podcast. Hoy discutimos enfermedad.
The audio is created with Google Text-to-Speech in Android for free using the spanish (Spain) voice. The script was written by various authors around the world and given to Wikipedia, where I got it on April 6th, 2024.
This is an example of the sort of thing that makes the front page of Spanish Wikipedia, but not English Wikipedia.
Read more »This is the fifth podcast. Hoy tenemos arte. I'm going to take this opportunity to show you my competition, Wikipedia itself! That's right, this wikipedia page has a reading by a native speaker of spanish and the whole article is read. Just look to the right for "Escucha este artículo". What an excellent option for those people who want longer audio spoken by a native speaker no less.
The audio is created with Google Text-to-Speech in Android for free using the spanish (Spain) voice. The script was written by various authors around the world and given to Wikipedia, where I got it on April 2nd, 2024.
El arte es entendido generalmente como cualquier actividad o producto realizado con una finalidad estética y también comunicativa, mediante la cual se expresan ideas, emociones y, en general, una visión del mundo, a través de diversos recursos, como los plásticos, lingüísticos, sonoros, corporales y mixtos. El arte es un componente de la cultura, reflejando en su concepción las bases económicas y sociales, y la transmisión de ideas y valores, inherentes a cualquier cultura humana a lo largo del espacio y el tiempo. Se suele considerar que con la aparición del Homo sapiens el arte tuvo en principio una función ritual, mágica o religiosa (arte paleolítico), pero esa función cambió con la evolución del ser humano, adquiriendo un componente estético y una función social, pedagógica, mercantil o simplemente ornamental.
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