This is the fourth podcast. Es corta mas tiene palabras interesante.
The audio is created with Google Text-to-Speech API for free using the voice "es-ES-Standard-A". The script was written by various authors around the world and given to Wikipedia, where I got it on March 20th, 2024.
La crisis del mar Rojo es una crisis en curso que comenzó el 19 de octubre de 2023, cuando los hutíes de Yemen iniciaron una serie de ataques dirigidos al sur de Israel y a las embarcaciones en el mar Rojo y afirmaron que estaban vinculados a Israel.
Read more »This is the third podcast. Back to la guerra and the grief it causes. This topic is one that I cannot turn my eyes away from as the world decides what to do. I do not plan to dwell on this topic, but if I am completely honest, I have no reservations whatsoever in reporting this paragraph out of context. It is up to the reader to do the leg work if they care about it.
The audio is created with Google Text-to-Speech API for free using the voice "es-ES-Standard-A". The script was written by various authors around the world and given to Wikipedia, where I got it on March 22st, 2024.
A principios de diciembre, el periódico israelí The Jerusalem Post publicó un artículo en el que afirmaban falsamente que un bebé palestino muerto de cinco meses de Gaza era en realidad «una muñeca». Posteriormente, el periódico eliminó el artículo y cualquier mención del mismo en sus redes sociales. Aunque no mencionaron el artículo directamente, publicaron una declaración que decía: «El artículo en cuestión no cumplía con nuestros estándares editoriales y, por lo tanto, fue eliminado».
Read more »This is the second podcast. A lighter topic with some abstract discussion. We will be bouncing back and forth between current events and information because the main goal is to give a wide variety of topics so that when someone filters by word or by tag, they can listen as much as they want.
The audio is created with Google Text-to-Speech API for free using the voice "es-ES-Standard-A". The script was written by various authors around the world and given to Wikipedia, where I got it on March 22st, 2024.
El compromiso hace que la gente crea en el proyecto y se implique de forma activa con el mismo. Para ello es necesario que el director de proyecto sea capaz de transmitir su visión para motivar al resto del equipo para alcanzar juntos un objetivo en común. La motivación y el compromiso del equipo dependerá en gran medida de la unión de sus componentes y su capacidad de enfrentarse a los altibajos que se vayan presentando.
Read more »This is the first podcast. This top part would be in spanish but my current writing in spanish isn't worth trying to translate this. I'm creating this podcast to help others learn spanish. I hope that plenty of people will be able to use this to practice their spanish.
The audio is created with Google Text-to-Speech API for free using the voice "es-ES-Standard-A". While we will certainly use their other voices, I think this one is pretty good for how cheap it is. The script was written by various authors around the world and given to Wikipedia, where I got it on March 21st, 2024. Spanish Wikipedia is very different from English Wikipedia, so this content is exclusive to Spanish Wikipedia.
If the podcast is too short for you, I heartily recommend checking out El Rey 1360AM which is a local spanish radio station with four hours of daily discussions in spanish by native speakers along with music.
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